fbpx 70 407 Ideation and Drawing Techniques in Product Design | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo


Start semester

70 407 Ideation and Drawing Techniques in Product Design

Full course name in English: 
Ideation and Drawing Techniques in Product Design
70 407
Syklus 2
2024 Vår
2024 Vår
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Stein Rokseth

Passed foundation level coures (BA-level) at AHO or equivalent, 180 ECTS. The course is open for all programmes at AHO.

Om emnet

The course focuses on ideation and drawing techniques through a design process, comprising ideation, conceptualization through drawing techniques, mock-up techniques, visualization through product sketches, oral and visual client presentation.


Knowledge: Experience from a design process with emphasis on ideation, visualization through product sketching, mock-up model making, digital rendering, oral and visual client presentation.

Skills: Basic skills in design process comprising; ideation, conceptualization through drawing techniques, mock-up techniques, digital rendering, aesthetic assessment, visualization, oral presentation, and final exhibition design. Oral and visual client presentation.

General competence: Design methods, three-dimensional form and aesthetics.

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

The course is organized around lectures, discussion groups, individual tutoring, individual work and delivery.


Link to reading list in Leganto.

VurderingsmappeIndividuellBestått / ikke beståttThe following elements will count in the assesment:
Process, final deliveries as specified, oral and visual presentation, and final exhibition.

Required delivery:
For exhibition:
- 2 posters (A + B) in A2 format (portrait format) containing:
- Descriptive concept name
- Sketches that describe the concept idea and new functionality
- Visualization through one digital product rendering
- 1 physical mock-up model that conveys the new functionality
- Oral presentation with arguments for the product concept

Delivery of final course documentation on Moodle:
- 1 photo of your exhibition stand
- 1 photo of poster A
- 1 photo of poster B
- 1 image of mock-up model(s)

Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:The following elements will count in the assesment:
Process, final deliveries as specified, oral and visual presentation, and final exhibition.

Required delivery:
For exhibition:
- 2 posters (A + B) in A2 format (portrait format) containing:
- Descriptive concept name
- Sketches that describe the concept idea and new functionality
- Visualization through one digital product rendering
- 1 physical mock-up model that conveys the new functionality
- Oral presentation with arguments for the product concept

Delivery of final course documentation on Moodle:
- 1 photo of your exhibition stand
- 1 photo of poster A
- 1 photo of poster B
- 1 image of mock-up model(s)