fbpx 80 310 OCCAS: Piranesei and the modern age | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo


Start semester

80 310 OCCAS: Piranesei and the modern age

Full course name in English: 
OCCAS: Piranesei and the modern age
80 310
Syklus 2
2017 Høst
2017 Høst
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Victor Plahte Tschudi

No specific previous knowledge is required.

Om emnet

The elective course Piranesi and the modern age only takes as a point of departure the enigmatic visions of the architect, archaeologist, designer and engraver Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-78). The course does not focus on Piranesi directly, but on the rediscovery of him from 1900 onwards, across fields that include film, photography, painting, architecture, urbanism, literature and psychology. Together we shall explore each of these topics systematically and chart how our own period – to this very day – interprets Piranesi to formulate its novelty. The course invites you to participate on a ground-braking scholarly mission to uncover the strategies not of Piranesi, but of the modern age that exploits him; our weekly seminars investigate the works of pioneers such as Pablo Picasso, Sigmund Freud, the film director Sergei Eisenstein and architects ranging from Alessandro Limongelli and Aldo Rossi to Rem Koolhaas and Peter Eisenman. Through a combination of lectures, discussions, and concrete assignments, we ambitiously aim to redraw the map of contemporary culture itself – and the surprise might be how much of it harks back to an 18th century Venetian etcher.


The learning outcome is both academic and practical: Firstly, the course teaches you about Giovanni Battista Piranesi as well as the history of modernism and its various media, such as early modern photography, avant-garde film theory, cubism in painting, deconstructivism in architecture, and post war city planning. Secondly, the course offers you the possibility to explore any technique and expression related to these themes in the effort to interpret Piranesi’s visions yourself. In other words, your assignment will be rooted in a historical material but take the form of, for example, a text, drawing, painting, installation, architectural models, film sequence, photograph – or any other medium that we might find relevant.

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

The course is organized as weekly seminars taking place every Tuesday 9-12 am. The seminars consist of lectures, text presentations, film screenings, discussions as well as supervision. Visits to museum collections in Oslo are also on the agenda.   


A short, poignant reading list accompanies the weekly seminars and will be presented in due time.

ProsjektoppgaveIndividuellBestått / ikke beståttThe evaluation is based on 2-3 brief oral presentations of text throughout the term. It is also based on a final project assignment. For the assignment you are asked to work on and interpret one or several prints by Piranesi in a medium and format of your own choice, such as for example a text, model, installation, film sequence, drawing, painting etc.
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:The evaluation is based on 2-3 brief oral presentations of text throughout the term. It is also based on a final project assignment. For the assignment you are asked to work on and interpret one or several prints by Piranesi in a medium and format of your own choice, such as for example a text, model, installation, film sequence, drawing, painting etc.
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Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Kommentar:Oppmøte og deltagelse på forelesninger er forventet, og gjentatt fravær vil gi grunnlag for lavere karakter.